Thank you so much for booking your coaching call with me!
Let’s stay in touch!

If you are interested in my seven week Ketogenic Living Program, I am offering it for $25 off my regular price, making it just $174! This includes daily lessons teaching you the Whys and Hows of eating Keto. Knowing HOW it works and WHY you are eating the way you are can go a long way to helping you understand how to make it sustainable for you. This lifestyle IS sustainable! The offer for this discount is only good for 24 hours after the call. This link will get you signed up. Use KETOBOX for your password to get in.
I do understand that it’s a commitment to make and maybe you aren’t ready to pull the trigger yet. That’s ok! You can still follow along!
You can find me on any of my social media pages
free facebook group page (no coaching is done in this group-it’s recipes, challenges and motivation)
You can also sign up to be on my newsletter list on my home page.
Looking forward to helping you on your journey!