A reward is – a thing given in recognition of one’s service, effort, or achievement. Let’s discuss that for a minute. How do we reward ourselves? When we reward our kids, how do we do it? How were we rewarded as kids? Why do we associate food as a reward? How early did it all start? ~If you pee on the potty you get an M&M. ~ If you finish what ‘s on your plate you can have ice cream. ~Clean your room and you can have a cookie. ~Be good in the store and you can have some candy. We’ve all been on the giving and receiving end of that. It starts early and continues as we age. We all need to STOP thinking of food as a reward. You’ve stuck to your diet for a week. Awesome! So now you’re going to have a cheat meal/day/ to celebrate. Wait. What?? Why do I want to totally undo everything I JUST worked SO HARD to do?? Especially if you are doing keto. That one cheat meal WILL knock you out of ketosis and you will literally have to start all over again. So, please tell me why that’s a reward. We need to get out of the mindset that food=happiness. We absolutely SHOULD reward ourselves. Losing weight is hard. Saying no to things we love is hard. But, being fat and miserable is also hard. Do something nice for yourself. Do something that will make you happy. Buy a new book. Get a manicure. Buy a new lipstick. Go for a walk! Call a friend. Buy a journal or a notebook and use it. Spend five minutes doing nothing at all! Find other ways to celebrate your achievements. Whatever food you were going to use, really isn’t worth it. Let me know what changes you are going to make to reward yourself. If you are looking to start keto or maybe you think you know the basics, but just want some accountability, check out my classes. See if there is one that’s right for you. |
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