Staying Keto Through the Holidays

‘Tis the season to be jolly!! All my other work is finished for the year. I learned a long time ago to set a deadline and stick to it. For me, December for me at the studio is mainly cleaning up my mess at the studio from the Christmas chaos, and reorganizing for the New Year.

I wanted to write a post about how to get through the Holidays while staying “keto” With some prepping and some willpower it can totally be done!

keto party platter

1. Eat before you go. Don’t eat a huge meal so you are stuffed, but eat enough that you don’t need to eat at the party.

2. Avoid making all of your traditional cookies, cakes and pies til Christmas week if you can. Or make them and freeze them. Out of site out of mind. Make yourself some keto options. Two years ago I made a ton of cookies and goodies, like I always do. They sat on the table in containers for 2 or 3 weeks. Each day I would stick my hand in and “just have one”. This year, I am making them on the 16th. Im just making enough for the 3 or 4 trays I need to take with me to parties or to send with Don/Donnie to work.

3. Take a dish or two that you CAN eat. Always offer to bring something. Chicken cubed up or ground beef in a casserole dish with sauce and cheese on it is a super easy dish that is keto friendly but others will like too. A pepperoni/cheese tray with some crackers and mustard dip or pizza dip is another great choice!

4. Bring keto snacks with you. Nuts, keto crackers, dark chocolate, a keto roll, parm crisps, they will all help you to give in to the temptation of having something not keto. It’s a total mind over matter thing. I go in prepared. I know instead of having dessert, I have a piece of dark chocolate in my purse or a handful of nuts. I’ve done this for weddings and other parties I’ve attended.

5. Don’t sit by the food. Every Christmas Eve we go to my in-laws house. There are all kinds of goodies all over the table. I always bring cookies to add to it. Then we end up sitting at the table and just grazing all night. Last year I recognized that I was doing this and moved away from the table, away from the food. Mindless eating does you no favors, even if it’s “just veggies” the carbs in those add up quick!

6. Have a glass of water in your hand. Especially at cocktail parties where you are mingling. It’s harder to juggle a glass and a plate. The water will give you something to do. A lot of times we just eat because it’s expected of us. Keto is about listening to your body. Really listening, and eating when hungry.

7. Don’t announce to everyone, “I can’t have that I’m doing Keto” Just do your best to eat what you can and leave the rest. If someone offers you cake, “no thanks, I’m stuffed! Maybe later” It’s that simple.


As for alcohol, I personally stick to water. Alcohol is not advised unless in maintenance. Your tolerance for alcohol is lowered, and is used as a fuel source instead of your body burning fat. If you must, dry wines or clear unflavored liquors are the best choice. Avoid non keto mixers like tonics and diet soda. If I do drink, I usually get a vodka and water with lemon or lime. Keep it simple. And plan to have someone drive you home because you will feel the effects even on one drink!

I hope these tips help you to stay keto as we end 2018. You CAN do this! If you have any awesome tips to stay keto while at events, let me know!


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